So far 131 blocks have been retexured and more to come! The current version of the resource pack is available in 3 different versions. As for now the resource pack is far from done. We've added five more armor sets to the list to round out a collection of armor with individual perks and strengths, not to mention bragging rights.I'm also working on a Minecraft resource pack (Realistic Textures), that you can access here on Patreon. One thing gamers overlook in Fallout 4 is armor, and it's vital to have the right sets in order to stay alive while thriving in a hostile wasteland.

While gamers are already looking forward to any news regarding Fallout 5, they still have this title to enjoy via repeat playthroughs. Still, Fallout 4 continues to be the most popular game in the series, thanks in part to a strong story, a dynamic world to explore, and a ton of support by the modding community. Updated on July 24th, 2021 by Derek Draven: With Fallout 76 starting to make headway with gamers who were less than impressed with its disastrous launch, the Fallout franchise seems relatively back on track. Some are down to business, while others are walking fashion statements, as well as protective gear. The base version of Fallout 4 comes with a lot of excellent armor sets that players should immediately try to get their hands on. With super mutants, gigantic insects, and ravenous Death Claws lurking about, players either need to find or craft the right armor sets to stay alive.

RELATED: 10 Open-World RPGs With A Better Story Than Fallout 4 Despite the controversial Fallout 76 getting some significant changes since it launched, the fourth film in the series, Fallout 4 continues to be the more popular entry in the franchise. Venturing into the heart of the nuclear-ravaged wasteland requires that players get decked out in the best possible armor, or they won't last very long.