Customers will now appropriately leave the restaurant if the Host Sim has left the lot.It was scary… animal rights groups were greatly concerned.Pets in labor will no longer attempt to stand upright, causing them to distort in their portrait images.We fixed an issue that could cause pets placed from the Gallery to have missing textures once in game.We fixed a crash that could occur if a yard sale was started after the Sim chose to initiate a vacation.Sims will now be more likely to purchase items from the craft sales table during a yard sale.The yfBottom_EP03SkinnyJeans are now sorted in the Skin Tight category.And the player clicks on the criminal in order to release them.The player clicks on a cell and chooses the criminal to lock away.Detectives will no longer route to and open the wrong cell after choosing to lock a criminal in their cell.Baking recipes that called for Blueberries, have been updated to now ask for Blackberries… since there aren’t any blueberries….Basically, they were always choosing a tent regardless of what other sleeping options were present.Sims will be less likely to auto-choose a tent to nap within when their energy is low.

We fixed an issue with cfHair_BraidedPonyTail that was causing seam lines to appear on the face and neck of female children.The Over-Achiever achievement will now complete with any 5 Aspirations.Vegetable Casserole will now be referred to as Vegetable Casserole, and not Tofu Casserole.We addressed an issue with some of the roof patterns appearing stretched when placed on the newer roof types.Solid doors will no longer let light pass through them.Yep, there was a chance the computer would fade out of existence.Computers will no longer disappear when a Sim attempts to use the “Extract Fossil” interaction.Costume selections for the Incognito Costume Party now include more possible selections.Apologies to the parents that were using that as an excuse to find peace in the woods.Needs No One, Forever Fresh, and Forever Full, are all new and improved versions of their counterparts (Independent, Antiseptic, and Hardly Hungry).Seldom Sleepy is a new trait for Sims that like to sleep, but just don’t want to sleep that often.It now actually provides the full benefit of the word “never”. We’ve also added some new traits and powered an old one. And, for the adventurous Simmer, you can place this bed into your inventory, allowing you to be ready to put your toddler to sleep at a moment’s notice. There is a new toddler bed, The Littlest Big Bed, now available for all in the catalog. It’s almost time to pack the bags, grab the bug spray, and journey to the temples in search of adventure! In the meantime, we’ve used a bit of the bug spray ourselves to squash a few…