* `netcoreapp3.1`: `bin/Debug/lib/xamarin.android/xbuild-frameworks//netcoreapp3.1/` * `MonoAndroid10.0`: `bin/Debug/lib/xamarin.android/xbuild-frameworks/MonoAndroid/v10.0/` ForĮxample, in e2854ee there are "two" `$(OutputPath)` values: The solution here is to use "non-overlapping" directories. The installation directory structure, which - at present - doesn't With `$(TargetFramework)` we want the build tree structure to mirror

Unfortunately in xamarin-android we don't want `$(OutputPath)` to end `$(AppendTargetFrameworkToOutputPath)`=True (the default).

To end with `$(TargetFramework)`, which is the case when The "normal" approach to doing this is for `$(OutputPath)` `$(TargetFramework)` builds have *completely separate* `$(OutputPath)` The only path to sanity is to *ensure* that different `Java.Interop/tools/generator.csproj` builds the `netcoreapp3.1`įramework, it will *delete* the `generator.exe` built by the `net472`įramework, which results in subsequent build breaks. *remove files created by previous builds*, e.g. Share the same output directory, the `IncrementalClean` target will Problem with MSBuild semantics: If two `$(TargetFramework)` builds With the ongoing adoption of MSBuild multi-targetingĪnd builds against the `netcoreapp3.1` target framework - commitĮ2854ee and numerous commits in Java.Interop - we encountered a Unfortunately, the integration was a tad more complicated thanĪnticipated. Obtained from the mono archive instead of from Java.Interop. `ThirdPartyNotice.txt` generation so that the LICENSE for Cecil was The removal of the cecil submodule also required changing `make prepare` ( 0c9f83b) - surely this would be a simple change. Xamarin-android *doesn't even use* Java.Interop's cecil submodule-built This simplifies the Java.Interop repo, and we *thought* that since Replaces the `mono/cecil` submodule within Java.Interop with the * cf3e7c2: Don't process duplicate reference assemblies ( #611) * 3091274: Provide a default $(Configuration) value ( #612) * 56c92c7: Remove cecil submodule ( #597) I'm not totally sure I buy the consistency argument for requiring the cache within a build, but I also don't know how to validate that relaxing it won't break some VS customer somewhere.

S:\repro\Microsoft\msbuild\issues\2811>msbuild /nologo /v:m demo-global-props-insufficient.proj /restore /t:Build S:\repro\Microsoft\msbuild\issues\2811>msbuild /nologo /v:m demo-global-props-insufficient.proj /t:BuildWithDifferentGlobalProperties S:\repro\Microsoft\msbuild\issues\2811>msbuild /nologo /v:m demo-global-props-insufficient.proj /t:Build Restore