Windows 10 settings crashing
Windows 10 settings crashing

windows 10 settings crashing windows 10 settings crashing

Related settings, select Additional power settings. The best match that will appear is Power & sleep settings click on it. This may be the reason why your system crashes each time you turn it on. The fast startup option helps start your PC faster after shutdown. If that doesn't, it means the problem was caused by overheating and dust. Now restart your computer to see if it fails. After cleaning, remove the side panel, add all of the devices, and plug in your PC. You can blow out the dust with the help of a blower. Don't forget about the power supply fan on the back of your casing. Remove the dust inside your computer and ensure that all of the fans are clean and no dust on their wings. Position your computer horizontally if it isn't already. If you can't locate any screws, look for a latch or unlock button on your PC's side panel. Using a screwdriver, remove the side panel's outermost screws. Cables may be connected to the PC's front or back. Remove the keyboard, mouse, webcam, and all other accessories from your PC by unplugging their cables. The cable would be attached somewhere near a fan. If you look at the top back of your system, you'll see a black cord dangling from the socket to your computer. Hold down the Windows key and press X (Release the Windows Key), then hit Shut down or sign out and choose Shut down. The first thing to do is to clean the dust. Here are sure ways to fix when Windows 10 Crashed on Startup. If you think you’ve already figured out the cause for the system crash, it’s now time to fix it. How to Fix Windows 10 Crashed on Startup? There may be problems with them that are causing the crash. If we go deep into the cause, we may want to look into the hard disk and the motherboard. Overheating is another issue that may cause this problem. In this case, you may want to check if everything is plugged in correctly and securely. If we’re talking about the basic reasons, one cause for this is a bad power supply. This error occurs for many different reasons. Overview of Windows 10 Crashed on Startup Part 4: Active Partition Recovery Pricing.Part 3: How to Use Active Partition Recovery Software?.

Windows 10 settings crashing